Lean: Modeling a Rubik's Cube

This is some code I wrote as part of a "formalize something in Lean" assignment for CMU's Interactive Theorem Proving course in Spring 2019. It wouldn't have been possible without the assistance of Professor Jeremy Avigad and course TA Mario Carneiro during office hours.

After setting up Lean on my Mac OS system I created a new Lean project using the directions from the Lean Community's Using leanproject page. The name of the project doesn't really matter.

I put the code below in a file cube.lean within the project's src directory.


Having not known much about Rubik's cubes before, I wanted to
find out how to represent such cubes using a data structure.

For this homework, I made two attempts at representing a Rubik's
cube. The representation in Part I was less than ideal and was
scrapped after a discussion with Mario, but I'm including it to
demonstrate that a very 'literal' representation of a Rubik's
cube is far from practical. Based on Mario's suggestion I made
a second attempt at representing a cube using a mapping from
vectors in ℤ³ to colored 'stickers' on the cube. Using the second
representation, defining the cube and the possible operations on
it was much easier. 

import data.matrix.basic


namespace old_representation

inductive color : Type
| white  : color
| red    : color
| blue   : color
| orange : color
| green  : color
| yellow : color

inductive cubelet : Type
| corner        : color → color → color → cubelet
| side          : color → color → cubelet
| center        : color → cubelet
| middle_corner : color → color → cubelet
| middle_side   : color → cubelet

def cube : Type := list cubelet

How did I decide on the representation below?

First I considered the cube with the following net:
      W W W
      W W W
      W W W
      Y Y Y
      Y Y Y
      Y Y Y

Then I numbered the cubelets like so, after rotating
the cube such that the blue face was directly facing
       0  1  2  BACK
 TOP   3  4  5  MID
       6  7  8  FRONT

       9 10 11  BACK
 MID  12  _ 13  MID
      14 15 16  FRONT

      17 18 19  BACK
 BOT  20 21 22  MID
      23 24 25  FRONT

I decided on the colors for each cubelet like this:
  If the cubelet is a 'corner':
    Rotate the cube so that the cubelet occupies
    position '6' in the diagram above. Then supply
    colors to the constructor in the order
    color facing the front,
    color facing the left,
    color facing the top.

  If the cubelet is a 'side':
    Rotate the cube so that the cubelet occupies
    position '7' in the diagram above. Then supply
    colors to the constructor in the order
    color facing the front,
    color facing the top.

  If the cubelet is a 'center':
    There is only one color to supply, so there's
    no ambiguity.

  If the cubelet is a 'middle_corner':
    Rotate the cube so that the cubelet occupies
    position '14' in the diagram above. Then supply
    colors to the constructor in the order
    color facing the front,
    color facing the left.

  If the cubelet is a 'middle_side':
    There is only one color to supply, so there's
    no ambiguity.
def solved : cube :=
 -- TOP
 -- -- BACK
 [ cubelet.corner color.red color.green color.white     -- 0
 , cubelet.side color.green color.white                 -- 1
 , cubelet.corner color.green color.orange color.white  -- 2
 -- -- MIDDLE
 , cubelet.side color.red color.white                   -- 3
 , cubelet.center color.white                           -- 4
 , cubelet.side color.orange color.white                -- 5
 -- -- FRONT
 , cubelet.corner color.blue color.red color.white      -- 6
 , cubelet.side color.blue color.white                  -- 7
 , cubelet.corner color.orange color.blue color.white   -- 8
 -- -- BACK
 , cubelet.middle_corner color.red color.green          -- 9
 , cubelet.middle_side color.green                      -- 10
 , cubelet.middle_corner color.green color.orange       -- 11
 -- -- MIDDLE
 , cubelet.middle_side color.red                        -- 12
 , cubelet.middle_side color.orange                     -- 13
 -- -- FRONT
 , cubelet.middle_corner color.blue color.red           -- 14
 , cubelet.middle_side color.blue                       -- 15
 , cubelet.middle_corner color.orange color.blue        -- 16
 -- -- BACK
 , cubelet.corner color.blue color.orange color.yellow  -- 17
 , cubelet.side color.orange color.yellow               -- 18
 , cubelet.corner color.orange color.green color.yellow -- 19
 -- -- MIDDLE
 , cubelet.side color.blue color.yellow                 -- 20
 , cubelet.center color.yellow                          -- 21
 , cubelet.side color.green color.yellow                -- 22
 -- -- FRONT
 , cubelet.corner color.red color.blue color.yellow     -- 23
 , cubelet.side color.red color.yellow                  -- 24
 , cubelet.corner color.green color.red color.yellow    -- 25

end old_representation


This function takes three inputs `x`, `y` and `z` then contructs the matrix
def to_3x1_matrix (x y z : ℤ) : matrix (fin 3) (fin 1) ℤ := λ i, λ j,
  [x,y,z].nth_le i.val (by apply fin.is_lt)

These are the six colors we'll use, one for each face of the solved cube:
- W is White.
- R is Red.
- B is Blue.
- O is Orange.
- G is Green.
- Y is Yellow.
inductive color : Type | W | R | B | O | G | Y

open color

Having a way to print colors will help us later! 
instance : has_repr color := { repr := λ c, 
  match c with 
  | W := "W" | R := "R" | B := "B" | O := "O" | G := "G" | Y := "Y"
  end }

A cube can be thought of as a function from vectors ℤ³ to colored

          ↑           Y
          |          /
          |         /
          |        /
          |       /
         S|  S   S
      S   S   S  S
   S   S   S  S
  S  S  S  S     S
              S−−−−−−−−−−→ X
  S  S  S  S     S
  S  S  S  S

As we can see,
- there is a square of 9 stickers normal to the x-axis, and facing
the direction of the positive x-axis.
- there is a square of 9 stickers normal to the x-axis, and facing
the direction of the negative x-axis (not pictured).
- there is a square of 9 stickers normal to the y-axis, and facing
the direction of the positive y-axis (not pictured).
- there is a square of 9 stickers normal to the y-axis, and facing
the direction of the negative y-axis.
- there is a square of 9 stickers normal to the z-axis, and facing
the direction of the positive z-axis.
- there is a square of 9 stickers normal to the z-axis, and facing
the direction of the negative z-axis (not pictured).

Now we need to understand how vectors are assigned to stickers.

Consider the square of 9 stickers normal to the x-axis, facing the
direction of the positive x-axis. All stickers on this square are
assigned vectors with x coordinate equal to 2. Their y and z
coordinates will be in the set {-1, 0, +1}, based on their relative
positions. Look at the definition of the solved cube for an example.

Any vector in ℤ³ that is not assigned to a sticker location maps
to `none`.
def cube : Type := matrix (fin 3) (fin 1) ℤ → option color


      W W W                              ↑           Y
      W W W                              |          /
      W W W                              |         /
R R R B B B O O O G G G                  |        /
R R R B B B O O O G G G                  |       /
R R R B B B O O O G G G                 W|  W   W
      Y Y Y                          W   W   W  B
      Y Y Y                       W   W   W  B
      Y Y Y                      R  R  R  B     B
                                             B−−−−−−−−−−→ X
                                 R  R  R  B     B
                                 R  R  R  B
def solved_cube : cube := λ coords,
  match (coords 0 0, coords 1 0, coords 2 0) with
  | ( 2, y, z) := if (abs y < 2) && (abs z < 2) then some B else none
  | (-2, y, z) := if (abs y < 2) && (abs z < 2) then some G else none
  | ( x, 2, z) := if (abs x < 2) && (abs z < 2) then some O else none
  | ( x,-2, z) := if (abs x < 2) && (abs z < 2) then some R else none
  | ( x, y, 2) := if (abs x < 2) && (abs y < 2) then some W else none
  | ( x, y,-2) := if (abs x < 2) && (abs y < 2) then some Y else none
  | _          := none

Convert the cube into an ASCII art representation, like the ones in the comments
but with the x, y and z axis lines removed.
instance : has_repr cube := { repr := λ c,
"       "      ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix (-1)   1    2 ) W)) ++ 
"   "          ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   0    1    2 ) W)) ++ 
"   "          ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   1    1    2 ) W)) ++ "\n"     ++
"    "         ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix (-1)   0    2 ) W)) ++ 
"   "          ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   0    0    2 ) W)) ++ 
"   "          ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   1    0    2 ) W)) ++ 
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2    1    1 ) W)) ++ " \n"    ++
" "            ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix (-1) (-1)   2 ) W)) ++ 
"   "          ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   0  (-1)   2 ) W)) ++ 
"   "          ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   1  (-1)   2 ) W)) ++ 
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2    0    1 ) W)) ++ "    \n" ++
""             ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix (-1) (-2)   1 ) W)) ++ 
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   0  (-2)   1 ) W)) ++
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   1  (-2)   1 ) W)) ++
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2  (-1)   1 ) W)) ++
"     "        ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2    1    0 ) W)) ++ " \n"    ++
"            " ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2    0    0 ) W)) ++ "    \n" ++   
""             ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix (-1) (-2)   0 ) W)) ++
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   0  (-2)   0 ) W)) ++
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   1  (-2)   0 ) W)) ++
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2  (-1)   0 ) W)) ++
"     "        ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2    1  (-1)) W)) ++ " \n"    ++
"            " ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2    0  (-1)) W)) ++ "    \n" ++
""             ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix (-1) (-2) (-1)) W)) ++
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   0  (-2) (-1)) W)) ++
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   1  (-2) (-1)) W)) ++
"  "           ++ (repr (option.get_or_else (c $ to_3x1_matrix   2  (-1) (-1)) W)) ++ "       \n"

This is the representation of the 3×3 matrix
                               │ 0 1 0│
                               │-1 0 0│
                               │ 0 0 1│
When it is multiplied by the column vector
it performs an anticlockwise rotation about the z-axis
i.e. it can be seen as 'anticlockwise' if you're facing
the same direction as the positive z-axis.
def z'_rotation_matrix : matrix (fin 3) (fin 3) ℤ := λ i, λ j,
  match i.val with
  | 0 := [ 0, 1, 0].nth_le j.val (by apply fin.is_lt)
  | 1 := [-1, 0, 0].nth_le j.val (by apply fin.is_lt)
  | 2 := [ 0, 0, 1].nth_le j.val (by apply fin.is_lt)
  | _ := 0

This function rotates the cube as a whole clockwise about the
z-axis. i.e. it can be seen as 'clockwise' if you're facing
the same direction as the positive z-axis.

Here's a visual representation of the rotation:
         Z                                   Z
         ↑           Y                       ↑           Y
         |          /                        |          /
         |         /                         |         /
         |        /                          |        /
         |       /                           |       /
        W|  W   W                           W|  W   W
     W   W   W  B                        W   W   W  R
  W   W   W  B                        W   W   W  R
 R  R  R  B     B                    G  G  G  R     R
             B−−−−−−−−−−→ X   to                 R−−−−−−−−−−→ X  
 R  R  R  B     B                    G  G  G  R     R
             B                                   R
 R  R  R  B                          G  G  G  R

A technical detail- since the cube is a function from vectors in
ℤ³ to colors, we can't actually rotate it. Instead, when a vector
representing a sticker position is provided to the result of
applying `z_rotate`, the reverse rotation (i.e. anticlockwise z rotation)
is applied to the vector through `z'_rotation_matrix` and this
reverse-rotated vector is fed to the cube.
def z_rotate : cube → cube := λ c, λ coords, 
  c (matrix.mul z'_rotation_matrix coords)

This is the representation of the 3×3 matrix
                               │ 0 0 1│
                               │ 0 1 0│
                               │-1 0 0│
When it is multiplied by the column vector
it performs a clockwise rotation about the y-axis
i.e. it can be seen as 'clockwise' if you're facing
the same direction as the positive y-axis.
def y'_rotation_matrix : matrix (fin 3) (fin 3) ℤ := λ i, λ j,
  match i.val with
  | 0 := [ 0, 0, 1].nth_le j.val (by apply fin.is_lt)
  | 1 := [ 0, 1, 0].nth_le j.val (by apply fin.is_lt)
  | 2 := [-1, 0, 0].nth_le j.val (by apply fin.is_lt)
  | _ := 0

This function rotates the cube as a whole anticlockwise about
the y-axis. i.e. it can be seen as 'anticlockwise' if you're
facing the same direction as the positive y-axis.

Here's a visual representation of the rotation:
         Z                                   Z
         ↑           Y                       ↑           Y
         |          /                        |          /
         |         /                         |         /
         |        /                          |        /
         |       /                           |       /
        W|  W   W                           B|  B   B
     W   W   W  B                        B   B   B  Y
  W   W   W  B                        B   B   B  Y
 R  R  R  B     B                    R  R  R  Y     Y
             B−−−−−−−−−−→ X   to                 Y−−−−−−−−−−→ X  
 R  R  R  B     B                    R  R  R  Y     Y
             B                                   Y
 R  R  R  B                          R  R  R  Y

A technical detail- look at the note for `z_rotate` to see what's
actually happening in this function.
def y_rotate : cube → cube := λ c, λ coords, 
  c (matrix.mul y'_rotation_matrix coords)

Look at the comment for `x_face_turn` to learn what this function
def x_face_turning_transformation : 
  matrix (fin 3) (fin 1) ℤ → matrix (fin 3) (fin 1) ℤ := λ v,
  match (v 0 0, v 1 0, v 2 0) with
  | ( 2, y, z) := to_3x1_matrix 2 (-z)   y
  | ( 1, 2, z) := to_3x1_matrix 1 (-z)   2
  | ( 1,-2, z) := to_3x1_matrix 1 (-z) (-2)
  | ( 1, y, 2) := to_3x1_matrix 1 (-2)   y
  | ( 1, y,-2) := to_3x1_matrix 1   2    y
  | _          := v

This function turns the face normal to the x-axis and facing
the direction of the positive x-axis, in the way a layer of
a Rubik's cube can be turned.

Below is a visual representation of the transformation.
The stickers represented by stars are unchanged by the transformation.
The stickers that are affected by the transformation but aren't visible
from the angle of drawing are placed in parentheses.

         Z                                   Z
         ↑           Y                       ↑           Y
         |          /                        |          /
         |         /                         |         /
         |        /                          |        /
         |       /                           |       /
        *|  *   l                           *|  *   u
     *   *   k  c (m)                   *   *    t  a (j)
  *   *   j  b                        *   *   s  h
 *  *  u  a     d (n)                *  *  r  g     b (k)
             i−−−−−−−−−−→ X   to                 i−−−−−−−−−−→ X  
 *  *  t  h     e (o)                *  *  q  f     c (l)
             f (p)                               d (m)
 *  *  s  g (q)                      *  *  p  e (n)
         (r)                                 (o)    

A technical detail- since the cube is a function from vectors in
ℤ³ to colors, we can't actually turn its front face. Instead, when a vector
representing a sticker position is provided to the result of
applying `x_face_turn`, the reverse transformation
is applied to the vector through `x_face_turning_transformation` and this
reverse-turned vector is fed to the cube.
def x_face_turn : cube → cube := λ c, λ coords, 
  c (x_face_turning_transformation coords)

NOTE: The three functions `z_rotate`, `y_rotate` and `x_face_turn` can be
used to encode every move we can make on a Rubik's cube. I can't prove this
though, it's easiest to visually verify that any of the 6 faces of the cube
can be made to face the positive x-direction and then we can perform an
x_face_turn on that face.

You can use the eval statements below to see the transformations in action
and verify that they work:

#eval solved_cube

#eval z_rotate solved_cube

#eval z_rotate ∘ z_rotate $ solved_cube

#eval z_rotate ∘ z_rotate ∘ z_rotate $ solved_cube

#eval z_rotate ∘ z_rotate ∘ z_rotate ∘ z_rotate $ solved_cube

#eval y_rotate solved_cube

#eval y_rotate ∘ y_rotate ∘ y_rotate $ solved_cube

#eval x_face_turn $ solved_cube

#eval z_rotate ∘ x_face_turn $ solved_cube

#eval z_rotate ∘ z_rotate ∘ x_face_turn $ solved_cube

#eval z_rotate ∘ z_rotate ∘ z_rotate ∘ x_face_turn $ solved_cube

#eval z_rotate ∘ z_rotate ∘ z_rotate ∘ x_face_turn $ solved_cube

#eval y_rotate ∘ x_face_turn $ solved_cube

#eval y_rotate ∘ y_rotate ∘ x_face_turn $ solved_cube

#eval y_rotate ∘ y_rotate ∘ y_rotate ∘ x_face_turn $ solved_cube